
Concert at Zion

Zion Lutheran Church invited us to sing at their Sanctuary again. Last Sunday, our second concert at Zion took place. The video included below was shared by the Zion media team. Thank you guys! Songs presented during the concert: Sängergruß - singers' greeting, Abendchor, Gut Nacht, O Du schöner Westerwald, Lieder, die von Herzen kommen, Wenn die Heckenrosen wieder blühen, Die Wacht am Rhein, Lied unser Band, Das Morgenrot, Welch ein treuer Freund ist Jesus, Danke Schön und Auf Wiederseh'n.

Sängerfest 1870-1881

In the previous post, we started our history notes related to the early Sängerfest events in Texas. Today, we write about the festivals that took place after the Civil War time (in the years 18870-1881) Read our notes and the included newspaper clippings. Find the answers to these questions: In which years did the choir of Fredericksburg participate in Sängerfest? When did an orchestra become part of the Sängerfest program? How much was the St. Louis orchestra paid? When did the tradition of the masschoirs start? Is there your ancestral name listed among the 1879 Sängerfest participants? How many days did the 1881 Sängerfest celebrations last? Which mean of transportation helped most Sängerfest participants get to Galveston in 1881? What was the downside of the mass event in that year?     ♪ September 1870 - the 8th Sängerfest took place in San Antonio (originally was planned in New Braunfels). German singing societies who participated in the event who came Austin, Fredericksbueg,

Sängerfest - Early Days in 1800s

As it has been already announced, on September 28, the German Choirs of Fredericksburg host the 2024 Sängerfest - the German Singers' League Festival. In connection to that, we are going to tell you more about the beginnings of the Texas Sängerbund and the early Sängerfest gatherings. In 1846 , the first Texas singing society was created - 8 immigrants of German background, who met under a live oak tree by the Comal River, in the colony of New Braunfels, decided to meet occasionally to sing German songs. In that way, the first German Texan singing society was created. A few years later, more singing societies came into being in the region. March 2, 1850 - Germania was founded. Around that time, the San Antonio, Sisterdale, and La Grange  singing societies were created as well.   1852 - the Deutsche Männerchor was organized in Austin.   July 4, 1853 - New Braunfel's Germania, the singers of San Antonio and Austin got together to celebrate the holiday with German songs. At this

Sängerfest in September

We are working hard getting ready for this year's Sängerfest. 

The Yellow Rose of Texas

The Choirs are enjoying the summer break. In the meantime, a recollection of this year's Maifest. "The Yellow Rose of Texas" is one of Texas traditional favorites and also one of very few songs that the Choirs sing in English. The song dates back to the 1850s.

"Welch ein treuer Freund ist Jesus" - J. M. Scriven

 "What A Friend We Have in Jesus", translated into German by A. Flamman ( "Welch ein treuer Freund ist Jesus ), is part of the Choirs' repertoire. The post we share, brings information about the hymn lyrics' author. Did you know it all? 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Joseph Medicott Scriven , a poet and the author of "What a Friend We Have in Jesus", was born in Ireland (in 1819). The man planned a military career, but his poor health made him quit his studies at a military college. In 1844, Joseph's fiancee drowned (in an accident) on the day before their wedding. In the same year, Scriven moved to Ontario, Canada, where he worked as a teacher at a private school and was also a preacher. In 1860, the man was to be married again. It did not happen, though as his fiancee died of pneumonia. After that, Scriven did odd/temporary jobs only. As an active member of Plymouth Brethren , he tried to live his life following the Sermon on the Mountain as well as he could.  J. M. Scriven

Choirs of Fredericksburg, TX - 1935

✧ Arion Men's Choir was founded in 1908. At the beginning its seat was at Palo Alto Creek. Arion also had a mixed choir - its members were ladies (wives and daughters) of the Arion singers. Clipping source: Dietel, William. The Radio Post (Fredericksburg, Tex.), Vol. 13, No. 51, Ed. 1 Friday, August 30, 1935 , newspaper , August 30, 1935; Fredericksburg, Texas . ( : accessed June 7, 2024 ), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, ; crediting Gillespie County Historical Society . ✧ Hermannsons Mixed Choir (Hermannsöhne Gemischter Chor) came into being in 1934.  In May 1935, Arion Men's Choir hosted the annual Gillespie County S ä ngerfest. The ladies of the Arion Mixed Choir assisted the men in organizing and preparing the celebrations. Clipping source: Source:  Die